Sastojci: 1 kg mlevenog kestena, 250g margarina, 300g secera u prahu, 100g cokolade za kuvanje, malo ruma, za preliv - 100g cokolade, 1 kasika ulja.
1. Malo omeksati margarin, pa izmesati sa kestenom. Dodati secer i rum i dobro umesiti.
2. Razviti na dasci debljine 2-3 cm.
3. Za preliv - cokoladu otopiti i dodati kasiku ulja.
4. Vruce preliti preko kestena i nozem brzo rasiti po celom kolacu. Ostaviti da se stegne.
5. Pre sluzenja iseci na kocke.
Ingredients: 1 kg minced chestnuts, 250g maragarine (butter), 300g powdered sugar, 100g dark chocolate, a little rum, for topping - 100g dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon of oil.
1. Soften butter first, then stir in the chestnut. Add sugar and rum and knead well.
2. On the board, develop chestnut, thickness of 2-3 cm.
3. For topping - melt chocolate and add the tablespoon of oil.
4. Pour hot topping over chestnut and quickly spread evenly with a knife. Allow to tighten.
5. Before serving cut into cubes.
1. Malo omeksati margarin, pa izmesati sa kestenom. Dodati secer i rum i dobro umesiti.
2. Razviti na dasci debljine 2-3 cm.
3. Za preliv - cokoladu otopiti i dodati kasiku ulja.
4. Vruce preliti preko kestena i nozem brzo rasiti po celom kolacu. Ostaviti da se stegne.
5. Pre sluzenja iseci na kocke.
Ingredients: 1 kg minced chestnuts, 250g maragarine (butter), 300g powdered sugar, 100g dark chocolate, a little rum, for topping - 100g dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon of oil.
1. Soften butter first, then stir in the chestnut. Add sugar and rum and knead well.
2. On the board, develop chestnut, thickness of 2-3 cm.
3. For topping - melt chocolate and add the tablespoon of oil.
4. Pour hot topping over chestnut and quickly spread evenly with a knife. Allow to tighten.
5. Before serving cut into cubes.
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